Be Prepared

I’ve been differently employed for more than two years now (meaning I work, but not at one place, not 9 to 5, and not always 40 hours per week). By far, my favorite perk of this nontraditional work schedule is the time I get to spend with our kids. My[Read more]

Stocking Up for Summer

Most of the time, I roll my eyes at the targeted ads that show up in my Facebook feed. Just because I searched for “underwear with elastic that lasts” does not mean I want to be inundated with ads for unmentionables every time I go online. But once in a while,[Read more]

Everything Old Is New Again

A common conversation, when I’m teaching classes on the art of upcycling, is how old this seemingly “new” concept is. We’ve given it new names (like “creative reuse”) and much better PR (Pinterest alone can be credited for making “upcycle” a household word). Still, at the end of the day,[Read more]

Teacher Appreciation

Remember the old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup commercials, where the person with the chocolate runs into the person with the peanut butter – literally runs into, so that their ingredients are combined – and it’s a moment of pure serendipity? Earlier this year, as I was sorting my collection of[Read more]