Beautiful Bins

Dusting our bookshelves yesterday, I found myself staring at a stack of books I’ve had more than 30 years. Every move – high school to college, apartment to apartment, rented houses to our first real home – I think these may be the only items that have made every trip. Yet, I[Read more]

Minecraft Block Valentine

Nothing like the last minute to inspire creativity! Our younger son is in fourth grade – young enough his class still exchanges valentines, but too old to put much thought into it (until the night before). Our schools no longer allow food in the classroom, but our son still wanted[Read more]

A Bucket Is a Bucket

A friend of mine gifted me with 15 unused KFC buckets (you know, the kind you see in commercials, brimming with fried chicken). They were left over from some work event, probably used to collect tickets or donations. She had no use for them, but figured I would (and she[Read more]

Crocheted Infinity Scarf

Just after I wrote a post about unachievable Pinterest projects, I tried my hand at crocheting an infinity scarf that kept cropping up in my Pinterest feed. Allow me to eat (or at least retract) some of my words. This project was totally doable. Even better, I think it’s easy to[Read more]

Newfangled Slide Show

Do you recall when you first learned that women pictured in magazines really aren’t flawless? When someone pulled back the curtain and showed you the air-brushing, special lighting, tailored clothing and spray glue that held everything in place? The more I try to recreate projects I find on Pinterest, the[Read more]

My Mobile Office

I’m happy to report, the universe continues to affirm my role as an upcycler, communicating primarily through cardboard. Every time I’ve crowd sourced an item (or 50) needed for the Artist in Residence program, friends and friends-of-friends and strangers-turned-friends have come through with more than enough of what I needed.[Read more]