Count Your Blessings

On this day when most North Americans are either filling their bellies or filling their shopping bags, let me provide your brain with a little food for thought. This quote comes from Joshua Becker of the website Becoming Minimalist. Much the way I always find a diet easier to stick[Read more]

Gifts That Make a Difference

Although I’m a traditionalist when it comes to decorating for and celebrating holidays (i.e. Christmas comes after Thanksgiving), I do think about and prepare for the season of gift-giving throughout the year – partly because I enjoy it and partly because my goals for giving make the process a little more involved[Read more]

Punching In and Out

There are a number of intangibles lost in the transition from full-time employment to hourly employee. For example, the freedom to stay and listen when you ask someone, “How are you?” (because a time card waits for no man). Or the ability to drop your smile, without having to explain[Read more]

No Place Like Home

I’ve spent months mourning the state of the bedroom our boys share. After taking their bunk beds apart, we lost virtually all of their play space and I was convinced this was the source of their lack of creativity. “There’s nothing to do!” became their default response – sometimes before[Read more]