Mini Masterpieces

Too many things are keeping me from writing a nice leisurely post, but it’s rare that anything can keep me from doing something creative each day. So, here’s what I’m working on now: I call them mini masterpieces. I’m painting on paint chips (is that considered irony?). Every year I get a[Read more]

A Month of Makery

Teaching a weekly class on The Art of Upcycling is really 20% instruction and 80% planning, practicing, and making samples of what I’ll teach others to make. You know I love living in that briar patch, spending time every week practicing what I’ll preach, er, I mean teach. Pinterest is,[Read more]

Classes, Camps and Workshops

Below are fliers for what, where, and when I’m teaching others how to make something of it. Almost anything I teach can be adapted to suit a different group, location or amount of time. For example, the summer camps I’m teaching for “young upcyclers” (grades 4 through 8) could become[Read more]

I’m a Chain!

Remember that scene in Steel Magnolias, when Truvy’s husband surprises her with a new beauty salon – Truvy’s West – and she exclaims: “I’m a chain!” Last year, the Oldham County Schools Arts Center gave me space to store my overflow of rescued materials (beyond what’s in my barn and the[Read more]

Earn It

I swear I was born in the wrong era. I’ve always resonated more with the descriptions of Depression Era folks and Baby Boomers than I have with GenX. I don’t romanticize the struggles of families that lived in those generations, but I do find myself longing for some of the[Read more]