Bigger on the Inside

I turned 46 today. In addition to my traditional gifts of chocolate cake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and completing a series of projects around the house, my husband gave me a pair of TARDIS earrings. I hadn’t been feeling particularly reflective about this birthday (unlike previous years), but these earrings triggered[Read more]

Put It Out There

When is the last time you shared a want or a need or a hope or a dream? This afternoon, I found myself staring at a bin full of empty Altoids tins, thinking how amazingly easy it was to acquire these. I saw a craft I wanted to try that requires[Read more]


I’m not always productive (yes, even I spend my day rearranging deck chairs, from time to time). But yesterday was one of those days when one project required I complete another project, and then those two projects required the reallocation of space, and that snowballed into our reorganizing three out[Read more]