Seed Library

20140302_183647I have prattled on in other posts about the many wonderful things we’ve enjoyed thanks to our county’s library. Without exaggerating, I declare their newest program is, to me, better than all of their other programs combined.

They now have a Seed Library!

At a time when the cost of groceries grows higher and higher, and financial assistance for hungry families is decreasing or disappearing altogether, this is more than an educational program. This is a ministry.

Would-be gardeners can now visit any branch of the Oldham County Library and check-out seeds, but we never have to return them. At the end of the summer, they’ll offer a workshop on how to harvest the seeds from whatever we grow, so we can give some back to the seed library, but it’s not required. No late fees, no renewals, no one will even know if I fail.

20140302_183721-001Our youngest son and I went to the Seed Library’s kick-off last weekend, where he made a stepping stone for our garden and we made a few starter plants. Then we browsed the tables of free seeds and took samples of everything they offered.

I love how each little bag of seeds includes a QR code, which will take me to more information about that plant. In a few weeks, we get to go back for a free bag of Dewey Doo-Doo (composted horse manure from a local farm). Talk about being set up for success. Who couldn’t make something of this?!

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