My Own Little Corner

You know those moments when someone says “close your eyes and picture yourself in your favorite place”? When other people picture a beach or hiking trail or a favorite vacation spot, this is the picture I have in my head. The corner I created for myself, on not-my-side of the bed.

It’s next to a window facing my backyard, which I hope to begin rehabbing next week, so that looking out this window will be just as pleasant as looking at my new favorite place. It has a scratched-and-dented desk I found for $20, after coveting more expensive ones (without the scratches or dents) for more than a year. And instead of buying a chair, I just took the fourth/extra one from our kitchen table.

This is where I write – where I channel my childhood fantasies of becoming Louisa May Alcott, squirreled away in my garret, earning a living by sharing my thoughts. This is my own little corner, with my own little chair, where I can be whatever I want to be.

3 thoughts on “My Own Little Corner

  1. And what a beautiful corner it is, Leah. The shelves above the desk remind me of layers in life, and the fact that trees–reaching out and upward–are on the top, seems prophetic. Write, write, write: the world needs the words and images and stories in your head and heart.

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