
Happy new year! Welcome to 2024, a year I’ve decided will be LUMINOUS.

A few blog posts ago, I mentioned wanting this year to have something to do with light – to somehow be brighter than 2023. I had no idea how many gorgeous words are synonyms for light! But I can tell you why LUMINOUS rose above them all: its definition concludes with “especially in the dark.” Whether it’s combatting my own darkness or the absence of light in our world right now, “to produce or reflect bright light, especially in the dark,” is exactly what I want to be doing.

When I began doodling my word for this year, I drew rays of light as my symbol and thought about how many countless rays make up sunlight and how no one ray is responsible for it all. I imagine joy and happiness work much the same way – the more sources I have, the less pressure there is on one area, interest or person. This year, I will increase the rays of light in my life, so when/if one falters the shift in the light will be imperceptible.

Already, I’m catching myself shifting between luminous and light, as I set my intention for the new year. I want to remember that light makes vision possible, but to be LUMINOUS includes layers of clarity, understanding, intelligence and enlightenment, all things my life needs. I have stagnated in my search to know and understand myself, mostly out of fear of my shadow side. While increased light may make my shadows even more pronounced, I’m hoping the layers that come with being LUMINOUS will help me learn what the darkness has to teach me.

Day one of my word study has already gifted me this:

I said: What about my eyes?

He said: Keep them on the road.

I said: What about my passion?

He said: Keep it burning.

I said: What about my heart?

He said: Tell me what you hold inside it?

I said: Pain and sorrow.

He said: Stay with it. The wound is the place where the Light enters you.

– Rumi

Here’s to a LUMINOUS 2024!

4 thoughts on “Luminous

  1. What a beautiful word you’ve chosen—or that has chosen you—lovely in both definition/concept and actual aural sound. As for the fear of your shadow side, I hope that your luminous experiences may help you discover that you can’t fully shine or glow or truly share your own light until you incorporate the embrace of your whole self. Sending along a favorite quote that I’ve found so, so true in my own life, from my all-time favorite Advent resource (All Creation Waits, by Gayle Boss): “The dark is not an end. It’s a door. It’s the way a new beginning comes.” Leah, I like you word choice VERY much (as if you needed my approval!), but I LOVE you and your always-fascinating self. May your 2024 be utterly and totally luminous!

    1. Yes! I think the SOUND of the word luminous drew me in as much as the meaning (and I’m always a sucker for words beginning with L). I love thinking of the darkness as a door . . . now to find that door knob!

  2. A beautiful word, and a luminous poem by Rumi to start the new year. . . here’s to you, Leah! Keep sharing your journey. We walk with you on that winding road.

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