Recognizing Abundance

I’m feeling a bit squirrely these days. I mean literally squirrely, as in squirrel-like, because I can’t stop collecting acorns. Maybe it’s because I now associate them with all the fall crafts and the joy they’ve brought me, and I don’t want that feeling to end? Maybe they’re more representational and meant to make me reflect on what I should be gathering and storing to get me through my next metaphorical winter? Or maybe it’s my abandonment issues telling me “this might be the last acorn you’ll ever find!” so I’m compelled to collect it, just in case?

While cleaning and storing my last big batch of acorns, I thought how much they remind me of manna in the wilderness – they fall consistently and plentifully, but never all at once; each batch is just enough to fill my bag and keep my needs met. Every time I return to my favorite collecting spots I expect to find them bare, but the acorns just keep falling. I’m not used to my sources of happiness being so copious and have to remind myself to enjoy their presence rather than anticipate their absence.

Recognizing abundance is a new mindset for me. I’m self aware enough to appreciate how fortunate I am that my daily needs are met – home, health, food, finances – but I struggle to see beyond what’s lacking in the rest of my life. I think the acorns are challenging me to pay attention to what else might be plentiful (and right underfoot!) for me right now and I will keep one of my acorns out all year long as a reminder.

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