I have to share pics from the Arts Center’s annual open house, earlier this week – mostly because the spaces I use to teach and store things may never be this clean/organized again!
It’s always fun to see the creative reuse center through the eyes of first-time visitors. Most have that kid-in-a-candy-store reaction and you can almost see the project ideas hovering in little thought bubbles above their head. Others get overwhelmed, making it all the more important to keep things in some semblance of order so I can start describing “sections” of the center – wooden objects, all kinds of paper, containers – and give their brain some way of processing the chaos.
And none of this order would be possible without my little red barn. We’re coming up on the one year anniversary of this awesome gift and I’ve got my work cut out for me, once the weather cools down enough for me to spend long stretches out there. All summer long, when I didn’t have the time or the room to haul things to the Creative Reuse Center, I’d just add it to the piles of obtainium in my barn. Some of the piles are so high now, I’m no longer certain what’s at the bottom, but I’m looking forward to finding out!
But for now, it’s time to kick off another set of creative reuse classes, Maker Mondays, and countless bouts of crowd sourcing for area teachers. Happy Fall y’all!