Only Molehills

It’s not uncommon for me to pause and take pictures of my favorite parts of my yard, while I’m watering my plants in the evening. I enjoy watching things grow and change, recording progress and taking note of what a little time/patience can do. Photos, taken over weeks and months and more, are great at providing perspective.

Lately, though, my attention has been less on what’s around me and more on what’s beneath me. Pictured with this post are just a few of the countless molehills on my property, along with my latest attempt at getting rid of the rodents – a solar-powered “buzzer” that periodically emits a sound that sends moles scurrying toward my neighbors. I’ve already tried ridding my yard of grubs and worms and anything else moles like to eat (twice, with no luck). May God help the moles if I have to come up with a Plan C.

Meanwhile, as I wait for my labour* of tunnel-diggers to move along, I’ve been entertaining myself with the metaphors they bring to mind. Surely there’s something worth writing about? For example, these little landmines surround what used to be my “happy place.” Or why couldn’t my problems have stayed buried, instead of literally crawling out of the earth and demanding my attention? My world is now covered in soft, uncertain spots where I used to enjoy solid ground.

So, much fodder for so many blog posts! But, to my surprise, I don’t want to make a mountain out of any of this. I just want to be grateful these aren’t mountains I’m dealing with, only molehills, and get back to watching my tomatoes grow.

* Fun fact: a group of moles is called “a labour.” Learn something new every day.

3 thoughts on “Only Molehills

  1. Now if I can just remember “labour” for the next time we go to a trivia event! I guess I’ll try imagining a small creature laying in the grass and boring a hole.😳

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