I’m betting you’ve seen the inspiration porn about why birds sing just before dawn – to tell their mates (or whoever is listening) that they made it through the night – and that, perhaps, that’s why we sing (or create art): to tell others “I’m still here.”
I don’t write or call or talk about my life as often as I used to, but I’ve been posting pics of my embroidery projects on Facebook as my way of saying “I’m still here.” There’s so much of me that still feels hollow or invisible. Turning plain fabric or canvas or paper into something colorful and vibrant is one way I process those feelings and mark my hard won victory of making it through another night.
Alas, unlike birdsong, art needs somewhere to go (other than my mantle or the back of a closet), so I was beyond grateful when a dear friend and mentor asked me to turn my latest watercolors into notecards she could purchase and use for personal correspondence (she’s a prolific and dedicated note writer). It’s oddly satisfying to think of my art in the hands of people I’ve never met.
And, suddenly, there’s meaning to my making.
Maybe that’s how real art happens – something created because the maker needs to make something and its purpose is found after-the-fact? Or maybe that’s just how my making happens (and, hopefully, how my life happens?). Either way, these 10 cards are now out in the world, with 40 more to follow.

How do I get some?
You wait ’til Mother’s Day 😉
And now, Leah: these cards mean even more to me, given this reflection. You simply ooze creativity, and you add so much beauty to this world, in so many ways. You are truly a Master Creator.