Welcome to my little pumpkin patch! Although I’m resisting the urge to decorate my home in all things fall, over the last few weeks I have allowed myself to work on fall-themed craft projects. I’m cranking out more of the sweater pumpkins I made and shared last year, and am pairing them with the clay leaves I shared in my last post.
In many ways, I think August and September might be my favorite months because they’re filled with the anticipation of fall – a feeling almost more glorious than the first cool fall day itself. Every wonderful wuzzy-sweatered, crisp-aired, apple-cider-scented thing I love is just around the corner and I can deal with almost anything if I have the promise of fall in my sights!
I feel EXACTLY the same way about the anticipation of fall, Leah. And those sweater pumpkins are the cutest things going. Your creative brain and hands bring the world so many smiles.