When Worlds Collide

rouaultTomorrow is the start of Lent – Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday – the season when Christians spend more time than usual in prayer and self-reflection, in an effort to shift the focus away from themselves and onto Christ. Much of what I understand about Lent dovetails with what I want to teach my children about life. The “giving up” that happens as a Lenten practice is less about doing without and more about being free to do what’s important – using our time and resources in ways that make a difference, and giving ourselves to the people and things that matter to us the most.

For the next 40 days my worlds are colliding. The me that blogs about “making something of it” is partnering with the me that occasionally preaches in Presbyterian churches, to create Lenten resources for the church where my parents worship in southern Illinois. The writing I’ve done thus far feels sort of like switching up my daily workout (if I were someone who worked out) – instead of going for a run I’m taking a spin class – using a lot of the same muscles, just in different ways.

This clumsy preamble is my way of explaining what’s going on behind the curtain and inviting you to straddle these two worlds with me. You can subscribe to receive daily emails from me during Lent, which will provide you with something to read, something to ponder, and something(s) to do. Granted, the occasional references to Sunday and Wednesday night events won’t apply to folks outside southern Illinois, but the rest of the resources could. And, whether you subscribe or not, it feels less like a collision and more like a collaboration, now that my left hand knows what my right hand is doing.

Now, go celebrate Fat Tuesday and eat some pancakes! (P.S. If you’re in southern Illinois, you can eat them for free tonight at First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Vernon, beginning at 5:30 pm, at their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!)

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