Oh, So Simple

20140613_202411-001So many of the things I read about creative organization and clever packing suggestions are things I’ve seen before or thought of myself, but there’s usually something I get from it – either a new twist on how to do it or affirmation that yes, I am indeed, doing it right!

With that in mind, here’s my latest oh-so-obvious, but it’s still new to me, travel tip:  after a lifetime of carrying nail files loose in the bottom of my purse, only to risk having them scratch my glasses or phone, I finally found a better way. The plastic zipper case holding my nail file (above) came with a set of artist paint brushes, which were promptly added to the cup that holds the other paint brushes we own, leaving this perfectly good case of no use . . . but too useful to throw out.

The other plastic case (a fine runner-up) is something our dentist gives each of us after our 6-month check-up, filled with a new toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Needless to say, after many, many years of four people getting bi-annual check-ups, we’ve acquired more than our fair share.

Oh, so simple – but the discovery delighted me so much that I had to share. Now, I’m hoping maybe you’ll share! What oh-so-obvious reuses are your favorites?

P.S. If you’re willing to share pics, contact me and I’ll message you with details for sending them so I can share them with everyone!

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