Caring for the Caregiver

“So, what are your plans to take care of yourself?”

I have no doubt that question comes loaded with nothing but love and the best of intentions, especially when it’s directed at me, someone known for placing self-care low on the list of priorities. But there are times when that question carries the weight of the world and comes close to toppling me over. Some days I’m so proud of myself for getting out of bed, I can’t imagine coming up with a plan for anything more.

Last week, as my youngest son was getting ready to take his shower before going to bed, I discovered he’d been wearing his pants inside out. All day. So, obviously I’m getting plenty of me-time – I’m just using it at the wrong time, like when I should be checking for wardrobe malfunctions!

Why can’t not-having-to-think-about-myself be considered self-care? (um, in case it’s not obvious, that’s rhetorical, folks)

I’ve been granted a four-week leave of absence from work, so that I can care for my husband and children as my husband begins this early and most difficult stage of recovery from depression. Asking for this leave, admitting I can’t do it all, letting coworkers peek into the non-work side of my life feels pretty self-care-ish. If I promise to craft a little every day, too, will that work?

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